Spotting the unseen

Can you find the 12 objects hidden in this image? Get, set, go!

The quest for hidden objects is about to begin. Take this visual challenge and uncover the mystery objects.

Image: Freepik

Demonym detective

Indian, American, Austrian, Mexican… we know these words and what they mean. But what about the not-so-easy ones?

‘Demonym’ may seem like a strange word, but it’s actually something we all know and use. It means a name that is given to someone who comes from a particular place. For instance, people from India are called Indians, those from Germany are called Germans and those from Australia are called Australians.

Now, while these names may be easy to figure out, there are some countries whose demonyms aren’t so straightforward. Can you take a shot at the head-scratchers?

Groups of things

A quiver of arrows, a cluster of diamonds, a fleet of cars… Can you guess the collective nouns in this crossword?

When we talk of collective nouns we are referring to a collection of things that are taken as a whole. In everyday speech, we use words that are not specific to one kind of thing. For example, the collective noun ‘group’ can refer to anything – people, dogs, cats and so on.

But when we want to be specific we say, a herd of cattle, a congress of monkeys, a parliament of owls and so on.

Now try your hand at this crossword and see how many of these groups you can find.

Strumming stories

Music meets logic in this interactive task. It’s just like a Sudoku but with letters instead of numbers.

The guitar is a versatile instrument. A string instrument with six strings, it can be used in many genres of music such as pop, folk, punk, rock and metal. It can be a lead instrument, a rhythm instrument, or both.

The three main types of guitar are acoustic, electric and bass. Generally speaking, guitar strings are made of nylon or steel alloy.

Now, here’s a game for you. The below grid is like a 6*6 Sudoku, except that instead of the numbers 1-6, you have the letter G-U-I-T-A-R. Can you place them in the grid in such a way that each letter appears only once in every row, every column and every 2*3 grid?

Spotlight on Asia

The continent’s biggest sporting spectacle is here. What, where, when and who — find out all you need to know.

As the Asian Games begin on September 23, the spotlight will be on the continent’s biggest sporting superstars. Find out everything you need to know about this edition by clicking on the questions below.

Musical sciences

Episode 46: Hanuman and Nala learn more about the science behind music and also how Jambhavan became immortal. Plus they learn how to build a spacecraft too.

Episode 46: Hanuman and Nala learn more about the science behind music and also how Jambhavan became immortal. Plus they learn how to build a spacecraft too.

Hanuman and Nala are in Jambhavan’s palace and want to know more about the immortal bear.
Hanuman: Who named you Jambhavan?
Jambhavan: Let’s eat and talk.
As he follows Jambhavan into the food arena, Hanuman’s eyes grow wide when he sees the variety of food laid out in a kitchen built like a globe.
Nala: Jambhavan is a big foodie. After all, he has to eat for six months.
Jambhavan (sings): You and I / In this foodie-ful world /Sweet snacks in this beautiful world / You and I …
Hanuman (laughs): Did you write this song?
Jambhavan: It’s actually a jingle for an advertisement. I rewrote the lyrics for food.
Jambhavan, Nala and Hanuman choose what they want to eat and fill their plates. Once they settle down to eat…
Nala: I tried to find out about your birth story, Jambhavan. But what I found was so weird: that you were born when Brahma yawned.

Illustration: Sahil Upalekar
Jambhavan: That is only partially correct. I didn’t emerge from his mouth.
Hanuman: Then what is the correct story?
Jambhavan: Let’s start with music. The study of music is called cymatics. Music is magical. It can change shapes, heal your mind and do so many other things.
Nala: My father has constructed buildings in which the pillars can produce musical sounds.
Hanuman: I have also heard of music therapy, in which some kinds of music have healing properties.
Nala: Yes, Music therapy using isochronic tones and binaural beats are practised. And there is a lot of research on this.
Jambhavan: Every musical instrument has its own special property to connect with mind and body. Music helps reduce anxiety and stress and also improves cognitive function. Much later, human scientists will find out that music can even help regulate genetic patterns. Some researchers even try to convert DNA sequences into musical notes. Anyway, to get back to my story, I was just another bear. Once when Brahma and Saraswati were performing, I was serving food for all those in the audience. Brahma signalled for some water, so, I ran to take some to him. But, as I handed it over, I yawned. Unfortunately, I made eye contact with him just then. As a result, Brahma also yawned. Since I was the only one who could hear the sound of his yawn, in some strange way, the power of immortality got transferred to me.
Nala: Yawning is so contagious but I didn’t know it could cause a transfer like that.
Jambhavan: Brahma realised what had happened only after the concert. Then, he sent me here for some important work.
Hanuman: But I want to know who named you Jambhavan?
Jambhavan: I am from the land of Jambu so people started calling me Jambhavan.
Nala: So, it basically means ‘a person from the land of Jambu’.
Jambhavan: Exactly. Now I know that both of you like space and science. Shall we make a model of a spacecraft?
Hanuman agrees enthusiastically.
Jambhavan: Let’s begin with the various aspects of a spacecraft. First a container to hold everything together. Next, a power source to ensure it works. Third, scientific instruments to do the work necessary. Communication devices like antennas to keep contact with Earth. Finally, an Orientation Finder so that the satellite knows its position. Okay? Now it’s time to start constructing.
As Hanuman and Nala begin to gather all that they will need, Jambhavan smiles as he watches the young vanara. He thinks to himself that the real purpose of his birth has just begun.
The author is the founder and CEO of Vaayusastra Aerospace, an IIT-Madras incubated ed-tech startup that offers Air Science workshops for children between five and 14 years.
Now that you’ve read the story, see how Hanuman and Nala built their spacecraft. Why don’t you try it out as well?

Illustrations: Satheesh Vellinezhi

Quiz Whizz: September 18, 2023

Quiz time, folks! Play the game to see how many questions you can answer.

Start your week with a workout for your grey cells. Here are six questions based on general knowledge. How many do you know the answers to?

Dog days ahead!

I love food, am scared of trouble, and love my human friends, especially Shaggy. Get to know me better…

Dog days ahead!
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Fit footprints

Fasten your shoelaces and prepare to solve this puzzle that’s based on the benefits of running.

Running is a physical activity that offers a multitude of benefits for both body and mind. Whether you’re playing catch with your friends or racing with them for fun, the advantages of incorporating running into your life are boundless. From improving cardiovascular health and boosting mood to enhancing overall fitness and increasing longevity, running has something to offer everyone.

Here are some benefits:

The below Picdoku has the icons that represent the benefits of running. Can you fill the grid correctly? It’s just like a Sudoku. Each icon should appear only once in every row, every column and every 2*3 box.


There are 17 countries across the world that share a land border with just one other country. Can you identify the nine that have been shown in this activity?

India’s neighbours are Pakistan, China, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Myanmar. Which means that India shares a land border with all of them. Now, you might say that Sri Lanka is also a neighbour and you would be correct. The difference is that Sri Lanka is separated from India by the Palk Strait, which means we share a maritime border with the island nation on our southern trip.

Most countries have multiple land borders depending on how many other nations surround them. But there are some that have just one single land border. This activity tells you about some of them.