Amazing cook out

Sometimes cooking can be fun. But for those who are unfamiliar with what it takes to make a dish, it can be tiring. So, here’s a fun game to make it simple.

If you like to cook or if you are familiar with the kitchen, then this is going to be a cake walk. Can you find these commonly used ingredients?

Quiz Whizz: July 17, 2023

It’s time to take stock of your knowledge of the world around you. Find out how much you know with these questions.

Begin this week with this quiz to get your grey cells working.

High five

All the countries in this grid have one thing in common: they all have five-letters in their name.

All the countries in this grid have five letter names. Do you know them all?

Sibilant secrets

With snakes being a crucial part of mythology across the world, here is a look at some important snaky characters from different countries.

Snakes have always evoked immense fear in people. In ancient times, snakes were worshipped and revered, and mythology from various countries is full of snakes of different kinds. The Indian epic, The Mahabharata, describes the sarpa yagna performed by King Janamajeya as an act of revenge, for the killing of his father Parikshit. In the Bible, it is the serpent that causes the downfall of Adam and Eve.

Try your hand at this crossword on mythological snakes from different cultures.

Fearsome foursome

Have you heard about the Big Four in India? These are the four most venomous snakes in the country. Read on to know more about them.

India has more than 200 species of snakes, of which only 13 are venomous. Of this latter category, the cobra is perhaps the most well-known and recognised. But, along with the cobra, are three others that make up the fearsome foursome of the most venomous snakes in India. Here they are:

Spectacled Cobra

The Indian Spectacled Cobra (Naja naja), a member of the Elapidae family, can grow upto 1.5m in length. When annoyed, it rears up and flares its hood, showing off the famous spectacle mark. The venom glands are located below the eye. When the snake bites, the muscles squeeze the glands and the venom drips through two hollow fangs in the upper jaw. When injected, it causes paralysis of muscles, breathing failure and heart failure. Found almost everywhere in India and in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Nepal, it lives in rural and urban areas. Its home is usually holes, hollows and mounds.

Common Krait

Bungarus caeruleus, also known as the Blue Krait, has light yellow bands across its dark blue or black body. It grows to around one metre in length and usually can be found in marshes and wetlands. Found from Sindh (Pakistan) to West Bengal and in South India, its habitats range from fields to scrub jungles and even urban areas. It can be found near water, in marshes and wetlands too. This snake is very active at night and, since its bite is mostly painless, few people realise they have been bitten. Its venom causes paralysis of the muscles and death due to suffocation.

Russell’s Viper

Also called Chain viper, it is named after Scottish herpetologist Patrick Russel, who wrote about it in 1796. Its body is yellowish brown in colour with dark spots all through its body. It can grow upto 1.6m in length. In India, it is found in Punjab, along the western coast and in southern India. It lives mostly on land and comes out at night to hunt. In cool weather, it can be seen during the day as well. Its venom comprises multiple toxins and causes cells in the tissues and organs to die. This leads to profuse bleeding, which causes death. In fact, this one produces the maximum amount of venom of the Big Four.

Saw-scaled Viper

Taking its name from the ridged scales along its sides, this snake curls itself into an S shape when threatened. This causes a rubbing motion among the scales and the resultant sound is like that of a saw machine at work. This is the smallest of the Big Four; just about 0.6m in length. The skin is brown, grey or olive in colour overlaid by a dark pattern. Found across the Indian subcontinent, except in the mountainous regions of the northeast and the Himalayan foothills, it is usually active through the evenings and night. Because it is not easily spotted and is very aggressive, this is a dangerous snake. Also its venom has a double whammy: it stops the blood from coagulating and also damages cells in tissues and organs.

Mind and muscle

Use a bit of logic to deduce the answers to these puzzles, and have fun while you’re at it.

A bit of fitness and a bit of Maths, that’s what this task is all about. Can you use the given equations to solve these puzzles?

Living in harmony

Ecology is the branch of biology that studies how organisms interact with their environment and other organisms.

Ecology is the study of the environment. It helps us understand how organisms live with each other in unique physical environments.

Some words are used very often in the context of ecology. Can you unscramble these words to find them?

Nature’s living artwork

Follow these step-by-step instructions to create your very own Origami butterfly.

Who doesn’t love the sight of a delicate and colourful butterfly fluttering about? Recreate the magic by making your own Origami butterfly at home. Scroll through these slides and follow the instructions.

Legless wonders

Meet the superlatives in the fascinating world of snakes. How many of them can you recognise?

From majestic pythons of the tropics to elusive vipers of the mountains, snakes inhabit diverse habitats around the world, showcasing the remarkable adaptability of these reptiles. Though they are feared, snakes play an important role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems as predators and as prey for other animals. Let’s take a look at some of these enigmatic creatures who have made it to the superlative list.

In each image, move the slider from right to left to see the snake.

The world’s deadliest snake title depends on various factors such as venom potency, delivery mechanism, and aggressiveness. And the Inland Taipan wins it hands down. Native to central Australia, it possesses highly potent venom and has the highest known LD50 (lethal dose) among all snake venoms. Its venom can cause severe damage to the nervous system, blood clotting issues, and organ failure if left untreated. Fortunately, the Inland Taipan is shy and reclusive, and its remote habitat minimises the chances of encountering humans, making actual human fatalities extremely rare.

From forests to meadows and even urban environments, it has been able to thrive in a wide range of habitats. A non-venomous species found throughout North America, its adaptability extends to temperature as well; it is one of the few species that can tolerate colder climates. One notable characteristic is its preference for amphibian prey such as frogs, toads, and salamanders. However, it is an opportunistic feeder and also consumes small fish, worms, insects, and sometimes even rodents. Another interesting aspect is its defence mechanism. When threatened, it releases a foul-smelling musk from its cloacal glands as a deterrent.

Epicrates cenchria is a beautiful species that exhibits a stunning array of vibrant colours that shimmer and reflect light. Its name is derived from the iridescent sheen of its scales, which give off a rainbow-like appearance when exposed to light. Rainbow Boas can display a variety of hues, including deep reds, oranges, yellows, and shades of blue and green, which are enhanced by a series of distinct patterns, such as speckles, stripes, or bands.

Scientifically known as Python reticulatus, the longest verified specimen measured a staggering 10 metres. Found in Southeast Asia, including countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines, they have a distinct pattern of reticulated scales that gives them their name. Using its patterned scales and iridescent colours, this python is an agile climber and swimmer, adapting to various habitats from forests to grasslands. As an ambush predator, it possesses sharp teeth and powerful muscles to capture and constrict its prey.

These colossal constrictors can reach impressive weights of over 227kg and have also been reported to exceed 270kg in some exceptional cases. These heavyweights thrive in the aquatic habitats of South America and use their powerful muscles and habitat to hunt and subdue their prey. Their impressive girth and ability to constrict prey with incredible force make them efficient hunters capable of subduing even large animals. Green Anacondas are typically non-aggressive toward humans and prefer to avoid confrontation. These mighty serpents represent the incredible diversity and natural wonders found within the vast rainforests they call home.

Discovered in 2008 on the Caribbean island of Barbados, this species holds the record for being the smallest snake ever documented. Withe even adults typically measuring around 10 cm, they are also incredibly slender. With their delicate bodies and minuscule size, they can easily fit on a coin or even the tip of a finger. The Barbados Threadsnake spends most of its life burrowing underground and preying on small invertebrates. Due to their burrowing lifestyle, they have reduced eyes that are covered by scales. They rely primarily on other senses, such as touch and chemical cues, to navigate and locate prey.

Renowned for its incredible speed, the Black Mamba is capable of slithering at speeds of up to 20km per hour. Its remarkable swiftness allows it to swiftly move across the African savannah, making it a formidable predator and an elusive creature to encounter. Apart from covering ground quickly, it also possess neurotoxic venom that affects the nervous system, causing paralysis and respiratory failure. Its venom is known to be potent and can deliver large quantities in a single bite.

Among the rarest and most critically endangered snake species in the world, there are only a few remaining individuals in the wild. Endemic to the Caribbean island of Saint Lucia, this slender, non-venomous snake has a brown or olive body with distinct black markings on the back. Once found throughout the island, the Saint Lucia Racer has declined due to habitat loss, predation by introduced species, and human activities. At one point, it was even considered extinct in the wild. However, conservation efforts have been implemented to protect and restore its natural habitat, and reintroduction programmes have been successful in establishing captive-bred individuals back into the wild.

Also known as the Spectacled Cobra, this highly venomous species has demonstrated remarkable problem-solving abilities and social behaviours. For example, it can navigate through complex mazes and find its way to a reward, showcasing cognitive abilities. Known to also fully learn and adapt, it can learn to associate certain stimuli with rewards or threats, which suggests a level of cognitive flexibility. It possesses a highly developed sensory system and a specialised organ called the Jacobson’s organ, which enables it to detect and analyse chemical cues in its environment.

Slithering through stories

Meet these spectacular serpents known for weaving tales of enchantment and treachery in books and movies.

From the depths of folklore and literature emerges a cast of fictional snakes, each with its own unique blend of cunning and grace with their tales intertwining with heroes and villains alike.

Snake Jafar: Aladdin

Surrounded by an air of dark mystique and an insatiable thirst for power, Jafar, with his serpent staff and a wickedly ambitious mind, schemes and manipulates his way towards becoming the most powerful sorcerer in the kingdom. His cunning and treachery make him an antagonist to beware of and one of Disney’s most iconic villains.

Sir Hiss: Robin Hood

The comical snake companion of Prince John is known for his perpetually frazzled demeanour and penchant for hilarious misadventures. As he slithers through the story with his wily nature and bumbling antics, his attempts to thwart Robin Hood often end in hilariously amusing failures, earning him both sympathy and laughter from the audience. With his elongated body and expressive facial expressions, Sir Hiss is an endearing and memorable character, reminding us that even in the midst of villainy, there is room for laughter and redemption.

Kaa: The Jungle Book

A hypnotic snake with the ability to mesmerise and capture his prey, Kaa is also a good friend to Mowgli. From helping rescue the ‘Frog’, as he affectionately calls the boy, from the monkey tribe to the deadly conflict with the dhole, Kaa is friend, philosopher and guide as Mowgli navigates the dangers of the jungle. It is Kaa who shows Mowgli the lair of the killer bees and helps him lay the trap for the wild dogs. But Kaa is not all sweetness and honey. Even Bagheera and Baloo tread softly around him.

Master Viper: Kung Fu Panda

The graceful and skilled member of the Furious Five, she is best known for elegance and precision. With lithe movements and swift strikes, she embodies power and beauty. Despite her initially timid nature, Viper proves to be a formidable warrior, utilising her abilities to deliver lightning-fast attacks and constrict her foes. In her unwavering loyalty to her friends and dedication to mastering her craft, Master Viper teaches us the importance of inner strength irrespective of one’s size or shape.

Monty: The Jungle Book 2

A rock python, and a supporting character, he is portrayed as a friendly and comical snake who befriends Mowgli and slithers into the hearts of viewers with his friendly and comedic nature. With a gentle disposition and love for adventure, Monty becomes an unlikely ally in Mowgli’s escapades. Despite his large size and intimidating appearance, his warm personality shines through, as he offers his help with a light-hearted spirit. With his witty remarks and humorous encounters, Monty reminds us that friendship can be found in the most unexpected places.

Rattlesnake Jake: Rango

This enigmatic character comes from the dusty landscapes of the Wild West with a commanding presence. With his signature rattling tail and piercing gaze, he embodies the essence of danger and unpredictability. A creature of few words, his actions speak volumes, as he serves as both a force of justice and an enforcer of the law. His lethal strikes and quick reflexes make him a formidable adversary. Beneath his tough exterior lies a complex and conflicted character, haunted by a past. He adds a layer of intrigue and tension, reminding us that even in the harshest of landscapes, redemption and honour can be found within the unlikeliest of allies.

Nagini: Harry Potter series

A giant infamous serpent in the Harry Potter series, Nagini serves as the companion and horcrux of Lord Voldemort. A character of both darkness and complexity, she has piercing crimson eyes and an uncanny ability to communicate. Her loyalty to Lord Voldemort and being his trusted companion and deadly weapon until the end makes her an important character. Each time she appears, her presence evokes a chilling sense of power and a haunting sense of secrecy that comes from her ancient origins. As Nagini slithers through the wizarding world, her enigmatic presence leaves a lasting mark on the tapestry of Harry Potter’s epic battle between good and evil.

Now play this game to find the names of these famous and infamous serpents!