Quiz whizz: June 2, 2023

A special quiz for World Environment Day. Get set go.

With World Environment Day falling next week, here’s this week’s quiz with questions centred around the environment. How many do you know the answers to?

Remarkably brilliant

Adjectives describe a noun. This crossword is all about identifying the right adjective. So get started.

Adjectives are words that describe the qualities or states of being of nouns: enormous, doglike, silly, yellow, fun, fast. They can also describe the quantity of nouns: many, few, millions, eleven.

This crossword can be tricky. But, if you are good with your adjectives, it should be a piece of cake.

Where’s the…?

Where can you find the Gateway of India? How about the Aravalli Range? Find out with this interactive task.

Sure, you might have heard of these famous Indian landmarks/locations. But can you place them on the map? Give it a go.

1. Let’s begin with monuments. Do you know where these landmarks are located?

2. Moving on to natural wonders, can you identify the places where these stunning waterfalls can be found?

3. So much blue! Where are these lakes located?

4. Final task — which mountain range goes where?

Photos: Wikimedia Commons | Map is for representation only. Not drawn to scale.

Pass the ball

Are you the perfect ball keeper? Find out with this challenge!

How many different types of balls can you see? Drag and drop the correct number of each type of ball into the empty boxes.

For the common good

Read up on the Whys and Whats of the Commonwealth…

The Commonwealth of Nations is a political association of 56 member states, the vast majority of which are former territories of the British Empire. It comprises 56 countries, across all inhabited continents. The members have a combined population of 2.5 billion people, almost a third of the world population.

It was founded in 1931 with the signing of the Statute of Westminster, which granted independence to the self-governing dominions of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and the Irish Free State.

Commonwealth Day is a day to celebrate the diversity and shared values of the Commonwealth of Nations. It is a day to reflect on the challenges and opportunities facing the Commonwealth, and to commit to working together to build a better future. Though celebrated on second Monday in March, in India the Day is observed on May 24.

Browse through some facts about the Commonwealth and test your knowledge.

Holiday word search

A word search all about the fun things associated with the summer holidays. Get, set, find!

Holidays are fun, but so are word searches. Here are eight words given in the picture below: PICNIC, SUMMER, HOLIDAY, FAMILY, PHOTO, TOURIST, LUGGAGE, SCENERY.

How many of them can you spot? Click on each word as soon as you spot it.

Quiz whizz: May 24, 2023

A quiz about all that’s happening in the country. Get, set, go!

Here’s this week’s quiz, with its set of six questions. This time, it’s all about what’s happening across the country. How up-to-date you? Take this quiz to find out.


Camping is fun and so is this activity! Try it out!

Camping is a great way to spend time with your family and enjoy the outdoors. You’ll get to sleep in a tent, cook over a campfire, and hike and explore the natural world. Camping is also a great way to learn about Nature and get some exercise and also a lot of fun!

Here is a camping challenge for you. Find the objects hidden in the picture!

Activity: iStock/ GettyImages

Are you a veggie-eating machine?

Veggies are the secret ingredient to a happy and healthy life. How many can you find?

You’ve often heard adults say “Eat your veggies”. Do you know why? Because it does you a load of good. Some key benefits of including vegetables in your diet are:

Vegetables are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support overall health and well-being.

They provide a wide array of nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin K, folate, potassium, and fiber.

A diet rich in vegetables is associated with a reduced risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease, certain types of cancer, and age-related macular degeneration.

The fibre content in vegetables aids in maintaining a healthy digestive system.

Many vegetables have high water content, which contributes to overall hydration.

A balanced diet that includes vegetables can contribute to increased energy levels, improved mood, and enhanced overall quality of life.

Play this word search game to see how many veggies you can find!