When the ground shakes

It’s useful to know how to react during an earthquake. Read on to equip yourself with the facts.

It’s really useful to know how to act when natural disasters strike so that you can keep yourself and your loved ones safe. During an earthquake, for instance, you can try and protect yourself in most situations with the below tips. Scroll through the slides to learn more.

Design a book cover!

If your life were a book, what would it look like? Participate in this activity and win exciting prizes.

Same, yet different

Take a close look at the two pictures and see if you can spot 10 differences.

These two pictures may look identical but if you look closely you will spot 10 differences. Can you find them all?

Crossword For You

World Books and Copyright Day falls on April 23. Here is a crossword connected with the world of writing.

With World Book and Copyright Day round the corner, here is an activity that looks at how much you know about the world of writing. Can you find the answers to all the clues?

India on the waters

The people of India have ventured into the high seas since the dawn of civilisation.

A look at India’s marine history since the times of the Indus Valley Civilisation and beyond. Check out this timeline to learn more.

Stay cool

How quickly can you solve this puzzle? It’s just like a Sudoku, but with letters instead of numbers.

With the hot summer upon us, it’s really important to drink plenty of fluids to keep cool and stay healthy. That’s why the word for this Wordoku is HYDRATION. Can you solve it? It’s just like a Sudoku, but instead of numbers from 1-9 you have the letters H-Y-D-R-A-T-I-O-N.

Geo genius

Hey globetrotter! Can you guess the country based on a list cities in it? Psssst! No capital cities included!

France? Paris. Egypt? Cairo. Malaysia? Kuala Lumpur. You might be familiar with capital cities of countries around the world, but can you go one step further and identify the country from a list of its non-capital cities?

Every card below has five non-capital cities from the same country. Can you guess the country correctly?

Summer goodness

Tasty and juicy, eating fruits is by far the best way to beat the heat.

One of the best things about summer is the fruits. Summer fruits have a lot of health benefits. They help our bodies get accustomed to the heat and also provide us with nutrients, that help us fight diseases. They strengthen our immune system and regulate our blood pressure. They keep the glucose level in our body in check and they rejuvenate our skin. If we eat fruits during summer, then the chances of dehydration is less.

Like all other seasonal fruits, summer fruits also have numerous health benefits. They not only make our bodies accustomed to the heat of summer, but they also provide us with essential nutrients. All the nutrients help us to fight the diseases that can be caused by extreme heat.

Can you find the fruits in this grid? Use the clues to find out.

For the bookworms

Books bring to mind libraries and here we feature some famous ones from India and the world.

A roomful of books has a peculiar smell that is associated with paper and gum and leather, especially when the books are old. And libraries are chockful of these. Today, as the Kindle and other e-readers take over our world, let’s take a look at some of the famous libraries that still treasure the printed word.

There are many old libraries in India and the world. For example, in South India, there are the world-famous Connemara Library and the Saraswati Mahal Library. Among the more famous ones in foreign countries are the British Library in the U.K. and the New York Public Library in the U.S.

Here is an activity about famous libraries across the world. See if you can find the city in which these libraries are situated.

Hit the high notes

Find out which of these musical instruments are almost out of our earshot!

Did you know that some high-pitch musical instruments can produce sounds that are too high for the human ear to hear?

High-pitch instruments are those that produce sounds with a relatively high frequency, often above 1,000Hz. These instruments include piccolos, flutes, clarinets, and some types of cymbals. Due to their high frequency, they can add brightness and sparkle to musical compositions and are often used to create a sense of excitement or urgency in music.

The human hearing range typically spans from 20Hz to 20,000Hz (or 20kHz). However, as we age or due to exposure to loud noises, our ability to hear high-frequency sounds diminishes. This means that some high-pitch instruments, such as piccolos and some cymbals, can produce sounds that are beyond our hearing range.

Can you arrange these musical instruments based on their pitches – from highest to lowest?