World’s treasures

These ancient treasures offer insights into our past. Take a peek!

Ancient artefacts offer a tangible connection to our past and provide insights into the daily lives, beliefs, and practices of our ancestors. Through careful study and interpretation, these artefacts can help us better understand our cultural and historical roots.

But how are they relevant today?

Preserving and studying ancient artefacts can contribute to our understanding and appreciation of different cultures and identities that have existed throughout history. They also have the potential to inspire creativity and innovation, as we seek to learn from the past and apply those lessons to the challenges we face today.

Can you complete this crossword based on some of the famous historical artefacts?

Spot the differences

The huts may look similar, but there are 10 differences. Spot them all.

Two similar-looking photos but they are definitely not the same. Tell me why!

Larger than life

Do you know the size of a whale shark or the weight of blue whale? Find out here!

Swimming with the dolphins or diving with the sharks, one comes to understand the size and scale of some of these marine creatures. Life-size or drawn-to-scale models do help. But first, let’s start with this video clip!

Now let’s see if you can guess the answers to the following pieces of trivia!

Hope that gave you an idea of the size and scale of these wonderful creatures!

Time to Trace

Trace these figures and improve your drawing skills and your concentration.

Vrooooom, we’re off!

The five red lights illuminate, signalling the start of the 2023 Formula One season! Are you ready?

The 2023 Formula One racing season kicked off with the Bahrain Grand Prix weekend on March 3-5. With 24 races slated to take place in circuits all over the world, this season promises some exciting action. Reigning champion Max Verstappen will aim for another title, while fan favourites such as Sebastian Vettel and Daniel Ricciardo will be missed.

Here are some interactive tasks to get you in the mood for F1 fever. Can you complete them all?

Task #1: Match these races with their circuit/venue.

Task #2: Every team has two drivers. Here are four teams. Can you complete the line-up by placing the missing drivers in their teams?

Task #3: Memory game for you! Match the logos of some teams that are competing this season.

Find the elements

How sharp-eyed are you? Here is a puzzle to check your powers of observation

Can you spot these five elements in the pile?

(Courtesy: Nickelodeon)

Time to go to the theatre

A trip to the theatre is a good time guaranteed. Here’s a word search with icons related to the theatre that you may come across. Can you spot them?

If you go for a performance at a theatre, these are some icons that you may across. See if you can find them using the pictorial clue. Just type the answers below.

Money in hand?

It’s never too early to start learning about money…

Do you know that money habits such as budgeting and saving are largely formed by the age of seven? In fact, it is rather hard to reverse these habits later on in life. Words such as inflation, recession, exchange rate, currency appreciation and depreciation, good and bad debt, investing and diversification may sound complex but it is important to know what they mean.

Here are five tips to help you build smart money habits early…

The author is Head, Money Lessons by BrightCHAMPS.

The beauty of words

When words are written in verse that emphasise the rhythmic use of words to create imagery, it is known as poetry. Certain words are identified with poetry. Can you find them in this grid?

What do the words verse, rhyme, stanza, haiku and lyric have in common?

They are all words associated with poetry.

A poem can be classified as a sonnet, a haiku, free verse, acrostic, villanelle, limerick, ode, elegy or a ballad.

A haiku is a short poem, eg The Old Pond by Matsuo Bashō.

An old silent pond

A frog jumps into the pond—

Splash! Silence again.

Limericks though are more fun. Here’s an example for you:

A dozen, a gross, and a score

Plus three times the square root of four

Divided by seven

Plus five times eleven

Is nine squared and not a bit more.

An elegy however can be dramatic, and Walk Whitman’s O Captain! My Captain is an example:

“O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done,

The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won,

The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,

While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;

But O heart! heart! heart!

O the bleeding drops of red,

Where on the deck my Captain lies,

Fallen cold and dead.”

Now try your hand at identifying the words in the grid by using the clues in the grid.

Time to get fit

Unscramble these words

There are many ways to keep fit. Which one would be your choice? Pick one that you like doing.
All the words listed here are jumbled up. As you guess, fill in the blanks and see if you get it right.

Continue reading “Time to get fit”