Pet Advice - 1 - Young World Club

Pet Advice – 1

  • POSTED ON: 1 Apr, 2016
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 1586 Views
  • POSTED BY: Sriya Narayanan
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 100 Points
  • 1. They make great companions

    “They are quiet and yet such a pleasure to watch. And other times, they’re full of fun and mischief”, says Devika Khazvini, founder of the Cattitude Trust. “When things are not okay, they seem to know, for they curl up next to you and never leave your side”. Now that’s what being a best buddy is about!
  • 2. They cannot survive on a vegetarian diet

    “Cats are primarily carnivorous and cannot adjust their physiology to a vegetarian diet. The lack of an amino acid called taurine in their diets renders them irreversibly blind”, says vet Dr. Priyadarshini Govind. If you cook only vegetarian food, you can always just opt for commercial cat food brands that fulfil your cat’s carnivorous requirements.
  • 3. Human medicines are dangerous for them

    It is very dangerous to give human medication to cats as their bodies are completely different from ours. What’s safe for us is often deadly for them! For example, medicines like Crocin, Aspirin and Paracetamol (among others) are poisonous for cats and could kill them, even in small doses. So as a rule, never medicate a cat yourself. “Always make the time to take your cat to the vet”, says Dr Govind. Other dangers to our cats include household chemicals and rodent repellants (rat poisons).
  • 4. They must always be transported in cat carriers

    Even the most fearless cats get nervous in moving vehicles, and will try to escape. Cats should never be transported anywhere in open baskets, or in our arms even for short distances, especially when we are making trips to the vet (for they get anxious when surrounded by the sights and smells of other pets there). A latched carrier with grills on one side for breathing & ventilation must be used for this purpose – and remember to check that the windows and doors are locked.
  • 5. They are brave, unique beings

    Says Devika, who finds their positive attitude admirable – “Cats teach us courage, adaptability and grace. They are such heroes when they are ill. And if you ever want to learn how to relax, just watch a cat and follow suit!” Says Dr Govind - “Remember cats are not like dogs and you should never compare your feline companion to someone's canine companion. Both are very special species and should be loved and respected for their individual uniqueness”.