Picture Shuffle - 2 - Young World Club

Picture Shuffle – 2

  • POSTED ON: 4 Nov, 2016
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 3450 Views
  • POSTED BY: Young World Club
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 100 Points

There are so many sports around the world that many of us may not have played or even heard of! Here are three interesting sports for you! Can you unravel the images?

Choose a sport under ‘Image’, pick a difficulty level under ‘Shuffle’, choose the size of the ‘Grid’, and get going!

Fencing is a competition in which competitors attempt to touch each other with the tip of a thin sword.

In the team sport of lacrosse, the ball is thrown, caught, and carried with a long-handled stick with netting at one end.

Kayaking involves boat races using a small, narrow boat propelled using a double-bladed paddle.