Pull the strings - Young World Club

Pull the strings

  • POSTED ON: 6 Nov, 2021
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 419 Views
  • POSTED BY: Madhumitha Srinivasan
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 150 Points

These musical instruments are an inherent part of most western classical concerts. From small to big, all of them have strings, but each one differs in the way they are played and the way they sound.

The violin and viola, for instance, are similar-looking and both have four strings each. But the notes and thickness of their strings differ. Because of this, the viola can produce lower notes than the violin, but not as low as the cello. Moreover, the viola is slightly bigger than the violin.

While the violin, viola, and cello are played using a bow, the harp and bass strings are plucked with the fingers. There are many types of harps with different numbers of strings; a modern harp has as many as 47 strings!

Based on the reading of this article, can you identify these five instruments? Drag and drop the correct name of each into the slot provided and check how many you got right!