Ravana prepares for war - Young World Club

Ravana prepares for war

  • POSTED ON: 28 Nov, 2024
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 314 Views
  • POSTED BY: R. Krithika | Text: Jagadeesh Kanna
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 100 Points

Story so far: During Prahasta’s narration of how Ravana got the Pushpaka Vimana, Meghnath explains how the concept of frequency helps communicate with distant devices.
Akshayakumara: Basically Vishwakarma used brain waves and crystal oscillators to control the aircraft. So, let’s continue with the story of how father walked out of Kubera’s palace in anger.
Prahastha: Ravana’s anger is very different from that of others. Knowing that, Kubera became worried.


Back in his palace, a furious Ravana begins to destroy everything he sees. Seeing this, Mandodari calls her father, Mayasura, one of the few people that Ravana will listen to. When he reaches the palace, Mayasura brings Ravana to his senses and asks what happened.

Illustration: Sahil Upalekar

Ravana: Kubera would not allow me to borrow his vimana. When I asked if you could study it for reverse engineering, he refused again.
Mayasura: Well, from Kubera’s perspective, he did the right thing. You lost your temper because your wish was rejected. Instead of wasting your energy destroying things, why don’t we channelise it to build?
Ravana: You are right but we don’t have the knowledge of the technology.
Mayasura: We have Sukracharya. He has access to lots of knowledge. We will have to spend time with him to learn. Let’s ask him.
In the meantime, Kubera is thinking about what Ravana will do next and, with the help of Brihaspati and the devas, informs everyone about what happened. As it gets passed around, the message that goes around is that Ravana is after the pushpaka vimana. So, when Mayasura and Ravana reach Sukracharya’s residence, the guru is already aware of what happened.
Sukracharya: Ravana, when you want to build a technology, you must learn about it, not threaten people. I heard you are after Kubera’s pushpaka vimana and that you threatened him. Is that true?
Ravana: I asked for support to learn the technology. I am not after the vimana nor did I threaten him.
Sukracharya: Sort this out before you come to me. If I teach you now, it will end up in chaos again.
Though disappointed, Ravana controls his feelings and leaves Sukracharya’s hermitage along with Mayasura.
Mayasura: Don’t get disheartened. This is how information changes as it gets passed around. Looks like Kubera sent out the message to block you from accessing the knowledge.
Ravana: I will handle it my own way. It’s not that I like to indulge in violence. But it looks like violence likes me. I cannot avoid it.
Mayasura: What are you going to do?
Ravana: Kubera has not left me with any other option but war. But, first let me protect our space with the Iron Dome.


Akshayakumara: Wait! What is this Iron Dome?
Meghanth: A defence technology that father learnt from a time-travelling scientist. In the future, it will be used to protect countries from missiles fired by other countries during times of war.
Akshayakumara: Oh wow! How does it work?
Meghnath (quickly sketching): When the enemy fires a missile, the radar system detects and tracks its trajectory. A control system calculates the impact point where our missile can intercept the incoming one and our launcher will fire it.
Atikaya: What Meghnath is showing uses fire with propellents and advanced radar and motion detection technologies. Let me show you the small launcher I built.

The author is the founder and CEO of Vaayusastra Aerospace, an IIT-Madras IC graduated ed-tech company and a Ph.D. research scholar in Education at NITTTR.