Run for Ridleys - Young World Club

Run for Ridleys

  • POSTED ON: 21 Jan, 2017
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 1509 Views
  • POSTED BY: Young World Club
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 100 Points

Olive Ridley is an endangered species of turtle. Swimming from as far as the Pacific Ocean, they reach the shores of Chennai from December to March every year. They nest on the beaches at night, laying eggs as they have been doing for 180 million years. It takes 45 days for the eggs to hatch and once they are out of their shells, the hatchlings fend for themselves.

Human predation in the nesting habitat, coastal degradation and fishing practices such as the use of long lines and gill nets are a threat to Olive Ridley turtles. Through the Ridley Run, ezoneINDIA endeavours to create awareness about the plight of this endangered species.

The turtles swim more than 21,000 miles to make their nest and lay eggs. Let’s run to save these beautiful creatures! By supporting Ridley Run, you are helping restore the endangered Olive Ridley turtle population and protecting thousands of hatchlings.


March 5th, 2017 | Reporting time: 5.15 am


Marina Beach, Chennai


Men, women and children | Categories: 1km, 3km and 5km


Contact 98405 75555 or visit

Registration fee: ₹ 250

The Ridley Run ’17 is being held in association with The Hindu Young World Club.