Ships of the desert
Camels are mammals with long legs, a big-lipped snout and a humped back. Some camels have only one hump, while others have two. There are three main types of camels – Dromedary, Bactrian and Wild Bactrian (which are critically endangered). A camel’s hump consists of stored fat, which can be metabolised when food and water is scarce.
In addition to their humps, camels have other ways to adapt to their environment. They have a third, clear eyelid that protects their eyes during sandstorms. Two rows of long lashes also protect their eyes.
Humans have used camels as a means of transport for thousands of years. They can carry about 170 to 270 kg of weight. This is why they are known as “ships of the desert”. Domesticated camels are often the main source of meat, milk and even leather or wool products in desert regions.
In India, there is a special breed of camels called the ‘Kharai’ which are unique, as they can swim.
Here are some facts about these animals. Can you tell if they are true or false?