Sizzling sands - Young World Club

Sizzling sands

  • POSTED ON: 25 Jul, 2022
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 304 Views
  • POSTED BY: Madhumitha Srinivasan
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 150 Points

A biome – also known as the major life zone – is a geographic area with a community of plants and animals that share similar characteristics adapted to suit the environment.

In general, there are nine types of biomes, each of which can be further divided into about 20 biomes. They are:
Tropical Rainforest
Temperate Forest

Let’s take a look at the desert biome. Any area that receives very little rainfall – less than 50 centimetres – each year, is called a desert.

A desert is characterised by temperatures that vary vastly between day and night, with coarse-textured soils and plants and animals that are adapted to the drought-like conditions. Some features include long eyelashes to keep sand out; wide feet to prevent their feet from sinking into the sand while walking; thick skin to reduce loss of water from the body; and an ability to survive without water for long periods of time.


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Here are a few species that have such adaptations due to which they can survive in the desert. Find their names in the grid.