Speak Easy - 2 - Young World Club

Speak Easy – 2

  • POSTED ON: 8 May, 2016
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 1651 Views
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 100 Points

As a student, there is enough opportunity to participate in various events and contests - in the classroom, within the school and inter-school as well. It is important for each of you to participate in some of these. Initially, the events need not be speaking focused - any team event would require interaction between your team-mates and you, as well as with the organiser. Watch this video for a few tips.

Once you gain some confidence, you will automatically start to develop basic speaking skills, and it will only improve with practice. It's like standing up and reading a paragraph from a story in English Class! After a while, you realise that you are quite comfortable with words and their pronunciation as well.