The making of a Mahatma - Young World Club

The making of a Mahatma

  • POSTED ON: 30 Sep, 2022
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 157 Views
  • POSTED BY: Radhika D. Shyam | Article: Madhumitha Srinivasan
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 100 Points

Whenever we admire great people, we often wonder how they must have been as children. Biographies of famous personalities reveal that some traits of greatness, achieved later in their lives, were prominent in their childhood. This is true of Mahatma Gandhi as well. A few incidents from his life show how his strong principles and ideas actually had their roots from early on.

Here are three such incidents…

Life lessons

The seeds of ideologies such as nonviolence, truthfulness, patriotism and a strong belief in peace and equality of all mankind, and standing up for what is right — sown in early childhood — grew forth into sturdy trees that not only gave Indians their freedom in a peaceful manner, but also gave the world the philosophy of ‘live and let live.