The secret lives of parents - Young World Club

The secret lives of parents

  • POSTED ON: 7 Dec, 2020
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 648 Views
  • POSTED BY: Bug Boy | Illustrations: Sahil Upalekar
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 100 Points

Have you seen the animated movie The Secret Life of Pets? The one where all these dogs and cats basically have a double life the second their owners are out of the house every morning? It’s like Toy Story but with animals.

Well, it’s December, and I think I’m ready to make The Secret Life of Parents. But, unlike the other two movies, I didn’t have to be out of the house to stumble upon my parents’ double life. I was at home the entire time, thanks to the pandemic.

You know how we used to leave for school every morning and come back thinking that our parents were hard at work, being normal, serious, boring parents? Have you realised that it’s TOTALLY not like that? That every second of every day, our parents are doing ALL the things they’re telling us not to do?

Check out this slider to see what I mean…