Toys from Trash - Intro - Young World Club

Toys from Trash – Intro

  • POSTED ON: 30 Apr, 2016
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 1839 Views
  • POSTED BY: Arvind Gupta Toys
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 100 Points

Children learn by doing - by touching, feeling, cutting, sticking, pulling things apart, putting things together. We believe that this hands-on science helps them relate to curriculum and get conceptual understanding. We believe this will revolutionize the way children learn. A child lighting up a LED with a Syringe Generator is more likely to light up his village tomorrow.

Our approach is inclusive. All the materials used in our activities are very affordable and accessible to every child across the globe, developing or developed countries alike. Intuitively using ordinary throwaway stuff -- plastic bottles, cardboard boxes, and newspapers etc. children can explore their natural creative instincts.

Science concepts will be reinforced through simple toys. Short videos will explain difficult concepts and provide various pathways for children to further explore and deepen their understanding. These videos will help children -- especially from the poorest countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America in making science and math fun using readily available, simple low-cost materials. It will become a valuable resource library for teachers to incorporate in their classes or an invaluable resource for parents to help their children at home.

This work was supported by IUCAA and Tata Trust. This film was made by Ashok Rupner