Ultimate fun - Young World Club

Ultimate fun

  • POSTED ON: 27 Oct, 2021
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 510 Views
  • POSTED BY: Madhumitha Srinivasan
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 150 Points

What is the big deal about a simple flying disc? A lot, apparently!

Competitive disc throwing is a serious global sport and with several variations to boot.


Competitive Freestyle combines aspects of gymnastics and dance with the basic game of throw and catch. Teams of two or three players perform choreographed routines consisting of throws, catches and moves with one or more discs.

Photo: Marco Consani/CC BY 3.0

Disc golf:

Like a traditional golf game but instead of a ball and clubs, players throw a disc from a teepad to a hole, target or basket). The aim is to complete each hole in as few throws as possible.

Photo: Max Pixel


It is a non-contact, self-refereed team discipline played with a flying disc. The official disc is the 175 g Discraft Ultrastar.

Photo: Ed Yourdon/CC BY-SA 2.0

Some rules of the game:

Source: World flying Disc Federation