What's the score? - Young World Club

What’s the score?

  • POSTED ON: 1 Feb, 2022
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 359 Views
  • POSTED BY: Madhumitha Srinivasan
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 150 Points

The winner of a sport is decided based on a scoring system. It helps measure the performance of the participants in a particular sport, thus helping decide who performed better.

Types of scoring systems

There are different types of scoring parameters:

Distance: The height or length achieved by a player through jumps or throws. The person with the longest distance is declared the winner.

Duration: The amount of time taken to complete a certain event – run/ cycle/ swim a certain distance. Usually, the person with the shortest duration is the winner.

Goals: The number of times a ball/ puck is hit inside a goal.

Points: In various sports, various actions attract various points. For example: In basketball, the position from which a player throws the ball into the hoo decides the points. In bowling, the number of pins a player hits adds to his/her points in each round.

Runs: In sports like cricket, the batsmen score runs by hitting the ball and then running between the wickets.

Touches: In fencing, the number of times you use your weapon to touch your opponent, determines the winner. The first fencer to reach 15 points is the winner.

Game on

Based on your reading of the article, can you guess the scoring systems used for each of the following sports?