You've got mail! - Young World Club

You’ve got mail!

  • POSTED ON: 10 Mar, 2021
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 579 Views
  • POSTED BY: Archana Subramanian
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 150 Points

The Department of Posts (DoP), better known as India Post, is a government-operated postal system. in 1788, the then Governor General of India Warren Hastings established the Postal Service in India. Earlier known as “Company Mail”, because of the English East India Company, it was later modified into a service under the “crown” in 1854 by Lord Dalhousie. He also introduced uniform postage rates and helped pass the India Post Office Act 1854. While the post office offers other services like banking, insurance and remittance services, it is most known for its postal services.

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