Country trivia

Australia may be surrounded by water, but the world’s longest coastline is in Canada. Take this quiz to find out similar geographical facts about other countries.

Did you know that if the entire world were as densely populated as New York City, the whole population would only cover 250,404 square miles? That means the entire world could fit into the state of Texas. Amazing, right?

We discovered more such geographical facts about some other countries too. Take this ‘true or false’ quiz to see if you know the answer. If you get them all right, you are indeed a genius!

Jump into fitness

What your choice on the games field? Are you a runner, walker, swimmer or a cycler? Take this quiz to find out.

Fitness is essential for a long, healthy life. There are several exercises and activities you could do to get be fit. From climbing, running, walking and swimming to cycling, options are aplenty. Try your hand at this quiz to see what kind of athlete you are.

Global cuisines

Test your culinary knowledge. Solve this quiz and find out how well you know food across the globe.

Food can helps us understand different communities and cherish their rich cultures. How well do you know cuisines across the world?

Become a Radio Jockey

Did you know that the person you hear talking on the radio is called a ‘Radio Jockey’? Find out all about this profession, what the job entails and what it takes to become one…

Wearing headphones and speaking into the mic is not the only thing a radio jockey does. Go through the slides below to know more about the voices behind the programmes you hear on your radio.

In the heart of the jungle

September 5 is Amazon Rainforest Day. Let’s take a look at some incredible facts about one of the largest natural wonders of the world with this shuffle puzzle.

Did you know that more than 20% of the Earth’s oxygen is produced from the Amazon rainforest? That is why it is also referred to as the ‘lungs of the Earth’. It is the world’s largest tropical rainforest covering over 5.5 million square kilometres, it is so big that the U.K. and Ireland would fit into it 17 times! The Amazon has around 40,000 plant species, 1,300 bird species, 3,000 types of fish, 430 mammals and 2.5 million different insects. Isn’t that something? With the rainforest being a big part of the Earth and the environment, it is also up to us to help protect it and all it inhabitants.

The Amazon is found in South America and most of it is in Brazil, spanning Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Guyana, Venezuela, Suriname and French Guiana. Let’s take a closer look at all the amazing things the Amazon has to offer:

Running through the rainforest is the Amazon River — a network of hundreds of waterways that stretches over 6,800 km. It is also the world’s second longest river after the River Nile.

The Amazon is the home to several interesting (and deadly) creatures, including electric eels, flesh eating piranhas, poison dart frogs, jaguars and some venomous snakes.

Pirarucus are one of the most fascinating fish found in the Amazon. They easily eat up other fish and can grow to nearly 3m long. What makes them deadly is that they have teeth on the roof of its mouth and on its tongue!

The exceptionally skilled at hunting Harpy eagle or the macaw with its vibrant plumage are some of the exotic birds that can be spotted in the rainforest.

The golden lion tamarin, a one-of-a kind yet peculiar looking monkey and the largest living rodent, the capybara, are also hosted by the Amazon.

The canopy (the top branches and leaves of the trees) in the rainforest are so thick that when it rains, it takes about 10 minutes for the raindrops to reach the ground.

Recently, thousands of fiery infernos raged across the Amazon rainforest destroying the vegetation and the homes of animals. The fire had been burning for over three weeks till the world finally took notice. But the fire continues to rage. The Amazon is a vital carbon store that slows down the pace of global warming.

In the spotlight… Madras Day

Home to temples, dosa and beaches, it is also a place where history has been made. Watch the video to learn about 10 things unique to this city…

In the spotlight… Madras Day
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Log in to safety

The virtual world is exciting and can keep you engaged endlessly. But be wary of the danger traps while navigating it…

The Internet is like a magical world with so much to learn and explore. From numerous educational resources, games, social platforms, it’s exciting to enter the virtual world.

With growing numbers of resources available, the Internet today is a preferred learning destination. But, always keep in mind you need to be smart, alert, strong, kind, brave, and most importantly cautious about your actions on the web.

If you are unaware of the risks associated, there is always a risk of getting exposed to adverse experiences. Therefore, it’s important for you to learn the basics of online safety and citizenship before you step into the online world. Here are some important tips for you…

Mineral goodness

A nutritious meal needs to be rich in minerals too. Here’s a game to learn more about the minerals our body needs and where to get them.

The human body needs many types of elements to live. It needs iron, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, magnesium, copper and more. All these are more commonly referred to as ‘minerals’ and your body needs these to build strong bones and teeth and turn the food you eat into energy. A healthy balanced diet will provide the minerals your body needs to work properly.

Here’s a quick way to learn about which foods are rich in certain elements. Click on the image for the each question.

Lost in numbers

If you have a knack for numbers and puzzles, here’s a witty one for you. How quickly can you spot the number sequences in this number grid. Go on and give it a shot!

Here’s a number search for you, try to find the numbers given in the clues, within the grid. Keep you eyes open and find out how quickly you can find them all.

Fractions for you

Fractious fractions? Well, they need not be. It need not be a nightmare, it can be your friend. Take this quiz to understand them.

What do you see in the above picture? A delicious pizza? Yes. But it is so much more. It is in fact, fractions.

What are fractions? A simple explanation would be – a fraction is the many parts of a whole. For example, one-half, eight-fifths, three-quarters, and so on…

Take this easy quiz to know more about them.